Home Weekly 10: Finishing a month's work of weekly games and some other updates.

Weekly 10: Finishing a month's work of weekly games and some other updates.

Not much to really share for this one. I just published the blog post for Game A Week 4. I also started work on the other projects that I mentioned I started last week, but not super much to show for it just yet.

One thing that is interesting is that I would say that one of my more ambitious, non jam games have entered the ‘pre-production’ and planning phase, with an internal deadline for a proof of concept prototype for November 20th 2023. So it’s not just the jam games.

Since last week I am still getting used to how to contribute to OpenLibrary’s codebase, with my first pull request here. That issue was chosen as it was a good first issue and with advice from the internal mentor. It is still being reviewed and have yet to get a comment as of this post, however. I won’t be surprised if there are more changes I have to make.

I have been learning a lot from that first issue, however. Simple stuff like the existence of web.py, or a method to attach debugggers to Docker containers. It also has been a good outlet to practice matching my code, commits and pull requests to a more formalized standard, which is a skill that is hard to practice and easy to neglect in solo projects. Overall, volunteering for the open source project of OpenLibrary has been a valuable use of my time, and I can’t wait to become more productive for that project as I get more comfortable with the codebase.

For one of my other personal projects, I am learning PythonQt and experimenting with it as a suitable option to create data visualizations of stuff that interest me… and stuff from undergraduate computer science that I always studied in books and for exams but haven’t got around to actually coding experiments for. Would be a fun and productive way to learn, revise and improve my fundamentals in a way that could potentially benefit others, maybe? A bit too early to tell.

Next week will be the last ‘Game A Week’ I will do before a one week intermission. I decided, partially for novelty and for the practicality of preventing burnout, that a break between ‘Season 1’ and ‘Season 2’ of such a practice would do me some good.

This post is licensed under CC BY 4.0 by the author.

Game-A-Week 4: My very first isometric tower defense game

Weekly 11: Taking an intermission from Game-A-Week to revisit previous ideas and some other updates.

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