Background Game Link: I changed my personal goals with game development a little bit, so I am no longer doing weekly Game Jam stuff. But I still like to ha...

Wallbreaker: My First RPG Maker MV Game

Game-A-Week 5: Fishing Incremental Game
From November 6th to November 11th 2023, I decided I want to try out making an Incremental Game, and chose to use Idle Game Maker made by the creators of the famous Cookie Clicker. In some ways, th...
Weekly 10: Finishing a month's work of weekly games and some other updates.
Not much to really share for this one. I just published the blog post for Game A Week 4. I also started work on the other projects that I mentioned I started last week, but not super much to show f...

Game-A-Week 4: My very first isometric tower defense game
Background From the period of October 30th 2023 to November 5th 2023, I worked on my first isometric tower defense game as a practice exercise. It can be played here This project, much like last w...

Internship Project for Nanyang Technological University
In early 2020, before I started undergrad, I worked on an internship contract project for Nanyang Technological University. In this contract, I worked in Unity using both SteamVR and the Oculus ex...

Making the minimap for my junior year undergrad GAM project.
During the period of Fall 2022 to Spring 2023, one of the academic commitments I had was the two trimester long student game project at DigiPen Singapore, affectionately given the module code GAM30...
Weekly 9: Some volunteer work
I noticed that last week I had forgotten to post a separate Weekly post in addition to the Game-A-Week post. This was because my Sunday was pretty busy that week and I had nothing to really mention...

Game-A-Week 3: Basic Turn Based Combat Game
The Game From October 24th 2023 to October 28th 2023, I worked on a simple game for my one week challenge that is meant as a learning exercise for learning how to code turn-based combat, which is ...

Game-A-Week 2: Isometric Ball Game
The Game This game is titled ‘Turn Them Green Please’ where the player shoots a ball across an isometric game stage with the goal of turning the red block tiles to green. Any tiles turned to green...
How you can effectively track your progress and your time... without stress
This post was originally written as a section for the blog post on Game A Week 1, but I chose to move it to its own post as it got bigger, more detailed and more. I hope it can serve as a useful st...